I have literally been absent for over 7 months and in my absence a lot of the same has happened. Obama has been under attack from the right-wing for being anything and nothing at all, Nigerian terrorism from the Islamic extremist sect, Boko Haram continues, Libya is still highly restive, Egypt has seceded power to it's people, Syria is killing it's people who oppose the regime, the global economy is at the brink of another recession and the only obvious change is that Sudan is finally and officially 2 states.
From the United States the most noticeable and prominent story came from the stand-off between Republican controlled congress, the president and debt ceiling. With the United States owing trillions of dollars and constantly in need of more to fund their multiple wars, social programs and fattening the pockets of the wealthiest, sorry, "job creators", with the Bush tax cuts, the United States was at the brink of defaulting on the debt ceiling and losing it's AAA rating (that enables her to borrow vast amounts) as the House Republicans and Speaker/chief negotiator, John Boehner refused to budge demanding that 100% of his mostly ill-advised impositions be taken up. As you all probably know, the U. S. did not default on the deadline but they still lost their AAA rating down to AA+ from one of the numerous rating agencies. All this happened just as the presidential campaigns were just kicking off. With Obama having to give in to almost every demand the Republicans driven by the Tea Party force to make the deal pass, his approval rating is seeing it's lowest decline so far in the 40 percentage and the Republicans are trying to find a worthy candidate to represent their at this time undefined ideals, this will certainly prove to be a race worth watching.
In Nigeria, the new fast growing breeding ground of terrorism ideology, Boko Haram, have stepped up their campaign of violence in the country's capital and other northern towns and cities. In mid-June an explosion rocked the police headquarters in Abuja killing at least 6 and injuring dozens more. It was originally thought to be a suicide bomber as the culprit allegedly exploded with bomb. However, after security forces reviewed the CCTV footage they concluded that the explosion was premature and the culprit wasn't meant to explode with the device but rather to plant it and escape.
Suicide bombing at Nigerian police headquarters
Police Headquarters bombing not a suicide attack!
Again in August, a higher profile location was targeted when the United Nations building in Abuja was rocked with a similar style explosive killing an uncertain number of people, as reports range from 20 killed (reported by media) to over a hundred as recorded by eyewitnesses. Once again credit was taken by the Boko Haram sect who have been linked to Al Qaeda for training, ideology and funding.
The Nigerian government currently has detained and indited multiple suspects in the bombing but with allegations of several Islamic extremist groups working individually and using the Boko Haram name as an umbrella the crises is far from resolved.
UN Building targeted by suicide bomber in Abuja
UN names 21 victims of Abuja bombing
UN express concern over security as alleged culprits are taken to court
Uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt led to a change in regime and it quickly spread to other Northern African and Middle Eastern states demanding for the same thing but without success so far. Libya and it's capital Tripoli are currently under the control of the NATO assisted rebels who have successfully sent the ruler for over 40 years, Maummar Gaddhafi, into hiding and have been recognized by most of the United Nations and other states as the legitimate government even though the body is yet to be defined and delegated. The president in hiding has vowed to fight to death and we are yet to see the end of this. Likewise, their Middle Eastern counterparts, Syria, have been defying curfews, assassinations and much more to demonstrate on the streets calling for the desolation of their "democratic monarchy" under President Bashar al-Assad and his late father before him. He has been accused of crimes against humanity and has also received condemnation from other Middle Eastern and Arab nations for the maltreatment of his people.
Gaddhafi denies fleeing to Niger
Gaddhafi vows to fight on
Obama says the president of Syria is standing in the way of it's people
Syrian opposition vows to protest until president is ousted
And finally, on the bright side, the genocide in Sudan may finally be over with South Sudan becoming a state independent from Sudan on July 9, 2011. This marks the manifestation of the vote to create a free state earlier this year. As every new state is, it is still very volatile in many sensing but there is finally hope and a bright future for many of the formerly oppressed Sudanese people.
Government of the Republic of South Sudan
South Sudan Profile on BBC News

In Nigeria, the new fast growing breeding ground of terrorism ideology, Boko Haram, have stepped up their campaign of violence in the country's capital and other northern towns and cities. In mid-June an explosion rocked the police headquarters in Abuja killing at least 6 and injuring dozens more. It was originally thought to be a suicide bomber as the culprit allegedly exploded with bomb. However, after security forces reviewed the CCTV footage they concluded that the explosion was premature and the culprit wasn't meant to explode with the device but rather to plant it and escape.
Suicide bombing at Nigerian police headquarters
Police Headquarters bombing not a suicide attack!
Again in August, a higher profile location was targeted when the United Nations building in Abuja was rocked with a similar style explosive killing an uncertain number of people, as reports range from 20 killed (reported by media) to over a hundred as recorded by eyewitnesses. Once again credit was taken by the Boko Haram sect who have been linked to Al Qaeda for training, ideology and funding.
The Nigerian government currently has detained and indited multiple suspects in the bombing but with allegations of several Islamic extremist groups working individually and using the Boko Haram name as an umbrella the crises is far from resolved.
UN Building targeted by suicide bomber in Abuja
UN names 21 victims of Abuja bombing
UN express concern over security as alleged culprits are taken to court
Uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt led to a change in regime and it quickly spread to other Northern African and Middle Eastern states demanding for the same thing but without success so far. Libya and it's capital Tripoli are currently under the control of the NATO assisted rebels who have successfully sent the ruler for over 40 years, Maummar Gaddhafi, into hiding and have been recognized by most of the United Nations and other states as the legitimate government even though the body is yet to be defined and delegated. The president in hiding has vowed to fight to death and we are yet to see the end of this. Likewise, their Middle Eastern counterparts, Syria, have been defying curfews, assassinations and much more to demonstrate on the streets calling for the desolation of their "democratic monarchy" under President Bashar al-Assad and his late father before him. He has been accused of crimes against humanity and has also received condemnation from other Middle Eastern and Arab nations for the maltreatment of his people.
Gaddhafi denies fleeing to Niger
Gaddhafi vows to fight on
Obama says the president of Syria is standing in the way of it's people
Syrian opposition vows to protest until president is ousted

Government of the Republic of South Sudan
South Sudan Profile on BBC News
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