The oil crisis among other global disasters is taking its toll on every economy and life in general. Oil producing nations like Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela etc all have crisis that they are experiencing. Today a meeting is being held by OPEC members and other oil producing nations to control the hiking prices. Let's see how that works out.
I don't buy it! For some strange reason, I just don't. Call it a hunch or an instinct but I feel there is more to it, much more to it than meets the ignorant. This is where Michael Moore comes in. Remember those people who don't care what conditions people have to suffer through so they could be richer off oil money? No not the Saudis, these people are much more powerful and influential. I think this whole thing has been about one thing and one thing only. Drilling oil in the U.S. It's about getting congress to finally cave into the enormous pressure by those who want and now consequentially, those who need it, to approve the drilling of oil. Personally I couldn't give a f@#k if oil is being drilled there or not as long as things get cheaper, I'm good with it, but they keep manipulating us to get what they want, that's my beef. If you have his number somebody please call Michael Moore and tell him to call me. lol.
So what do you need to speak to Mike about. An idea for a documentary? BTW did you read Mike Davis' article "Planet of Slums"? Any thoughts ...still wantt o call on the other Mike?
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately I didn't get to read Mike Davis yet. I know what you're thinking "typical" right? I will as soon as I can but Research is killing me right now. As for Michael Moore, I would love to have an audience but it is just a figure of speech in this case cos he has no idea who I am right now. Maybe in future he'd be looking to work with me instead :)
ReplyDeleteAwesome reporting, your blog is my new newspaper.